Saturday, 23 December 2017

More planning, and Digging Out the Old Layout!

Nothing much has really been happening on Kingsborough... Despite the fact I have more potential time to work on the layout, not much has gotten done. I was called to help with something, little did I know that the old layout was coming down for Christmas! This layout has been hanging from the roof of the garage on pulleys for over half a year, so it's good to see it again. After some tidying up, the layout was fully operational once again in no time. I might make a separate blog for this particular layout, but this is still under consideration. The reason I made the current layout (The Kingsborough Model Railway) was actually due to the lack of space and the lack of time from the original layout. Essentially the original layout consisted of two levels (much like this one!) with two (hopefully soon to be three!) loops of track going around the length and width of the layout. In the very inner track a station with a ridiculously sharp radius additional track (only two of my locomotives can operate it!) coming into a siding and a second platform. At the other side another two sidings long enough at fit three average sized coaches and a tender locomotive in front. The stock goes from the LNER 1920's - 1930's period to BR in the 1960's, then one train going into the 1980's sectorisation period. Hopefully I'll be able to post photos soon.

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