Saturday, 30 December 2017

Introducing Kingsborough's First DMU - The Bachmann Class 108

A couple of days ago I got a package from England. In this package was a model. This model was Kingsborough's first offical DMU. (As the title states) It is a Bachmann class 108 in refurbished white/blue, a very nice model indeed. This was supposed to be a Christmas present, although it just came a little later, which is perfectly fine, because I've run it, I've tested and it's a very nice runner. Straight out the box I could run it at high speeds and see the interior's lights shine in the darkness, as well as the bi-directional headlights and taillights. This set is a two car Power-Trailer set, consisting of a DBMS (M50948) and DTC (M56231). It's a splendid model and I will attach photos hopefully sometime soon.


  1. Sounds like a nice addition, here is a link to a very nicely weathered set,


  2. Yes, that's a nice looking model. I'm planning to recreate something just like that with my model. I've also made a new gangway section to fill the gap left between the existing mouldings, looks a lot better now.
